Curb Angles

Bumper Block-Outs can be used with all types of loading dock bumpers, to achieve a greater projection (out from dock face), when required. Material: 1/4" thick, A36 Structural Steel (Diamond Plate top). Painted black.

Bumper Block-Out

Bumper Block-Outs

Model Number Dimensions
Proj. (A) x Height (B) x Width (C)
Weight (in pounds)
BBO-12-12-13 12" x 12" x 13" (for B-12) 60
BBO-12-13-10 12" x 13" x 10" (for B-13) 52
BBO-2-12-12 2" x 12" x 12" 13
BBO-3-12-12 3" x 12" x 12" 16
BBO-4-12-12 4" x 12" x 12" 21
BBO-5-12-12 5" x 12" x 12" 26
BBO-6-12-12 6" x 12" x 12" 32
BBO-8-12-12 8" x 12" x 12" 43
BBO-10-12-12 10" x 12" x 12" 54
BBO-12-12-12 12" x 12" x 12" 60
Optional 20" x 12" Face 100
Optional 24" x 12" Face 120